Hi! I'm Kathrin, the face behind Avoa Beauty. Born and raised in Munich in a multicultural household, I always held a fascination for traveling and other cultures, which is probably why I ended up living in Japan for 5 years. During my stay there I came across a number of innovative beauty products of which nail wraps had the biggest impact on me. Back in Munich I soon realized that although there was a small market for nail wraps in Europe, it was lacking a little in style. But luckily, that's exactly my strong suit!
I started my first nail wrap business Maruxa in 2018, but eventually was forced to give it up due to internal issues. However, not wanting to give up my dream, I decided to start fresh and use everything I had learned so far to built a new business - and thus, Avoa Beauty was born.
My mission: Create easy-to-use nail wraps with stylish designs that will leave any trendsetter speechless.
Avoa Beauty is not a consumer brand, it is a Community Brand. Which means, we don't want to tell you which designs and products to like, but instead we want to create things YOU actually want. Your wishes, opinions and feedback are important to us. Write us an e-mail or follow us on Instagram and other social media to help us decide which new designs and products to launch.
Sustainability is important to us. That's why we try our best to harm the environment as little as possible by using recyclable materials and reduce our carbon footprint. Our packaging is produced in Austria, mailing bags, marketing materials, etc. are manufactured locally here in Germany.
Instead of packing each nail wrap individually, we designed our packaging to fit up to 5 nail wraps in order to reduce waste.
Our upcoming care products will also be produced exclusively in Germany and Italy.
Avoa means "grandmother" in Galician. Weird name for a beauty business?
Well, let us explain: This is Maruxa Maria del Carmen Álvarez-Díaz, born and raised in Galicia, Spain.
A wonderful woman, mother and later grandmother, we named this business in her honor - not only because she was a great person, but also because grandmother Maruxa embodied all the qualities we value at Avoa. She was strong, beautiful, smart and, perhaps most important of all, a lot of fun!
Just like today, social expectations towards women were high back in the day and we think grandmother Maruxa would have loved our products. Because AVOA's goal is to make it as simple as possible for today's women to make time for friends, family and her career while looking the way she hopefully feels - amazing!